Monthly Archives: April 2013

Grape and Cucumber Raita

Having cooked alongside my friends from India including Raghaven Iyer, Suvir Saran and Suneeta Vaswani, I am inspired daily by what each has taught me about the foods of their homeland. They are masters at combining spices, now so readily available, in unique and flavorful ways.  Is this recipe exactly traditional?  That I’m not sure, […]
Posted in Appetizers, Cooking Classes, General Blog, Recipes | Comments closed

Pouring wines from Domaine Rouge – Bleu

Memory fails me on how we ended up at Solo-Vino one particular evening about four years ago.  Was it happenstance or an email blast that brought us to a tasting of wines from Domaine Rouge-Bleu and to meet the wine maker M. Jean-Marc Espinasse?  Regardless, of how we ended up there, we have been blessed […]
Posted in General Blog, Ingredients, Restaurant Reviews, Travel | Comments closed